Sunday, 12 October 2014

Game Art Design Week 2

After an exciting first week I continued my game art journey onto the first day of week two.
I was tasked with another set of thumbnails, but this time it was of the archway. The arch was very beautiful, but a bit difficult to draw as the surfaces of the walls were a bit shattered. In visual studies I also explored the principles of two point and three point perspective and tried to experiment by drawing the arch from different points.
 photo archway2_zpsd8764645.jpg  photo archway_zps84ba5411.jpg  photo archway3_zpsee0613d4.jpg
In the life drawing class I progressed onto more difficult body poses, starting with continuous line drawing and also tried drawing with my left hand. It wasn't too difficult to draw with my left hand as I am partly ambidextrous.
 photo lifedrawing2_zps780ae9e1.jpg
After the quick warm up and a few more simple poses, I practiced sitting positions.
 photo lifedrawing_zps6af36ba0.jpg
I had to face the model from the front. I found it difficult to get the legs accurately, as my drawing reflects that there is a problem in the leg area.
 photo lifedrawing3_zps637fabfe.jpg
Because I had difficulty drawing sitting positions up front, I focused my homework sketches to be more frontal.
 photo DSCN4516_zps49c3b50a.jpg
This week I also got a stretch goal to do textured spheres or cubes. I chose to start making spheres with textures.  Because it is a stretch goal I've set myself a goal to do at least one a week. photo Bubble_zpsabb5e59d.jpg

For the rest of the week I practiced on the 3ds Max and attempted texturing. I've spent quite a long time trying to texture my hammer model, but it did not come out right.  photo hammer_zpsdd22551f.jpg  photo mylifehoursdownthetoilet_zps4cd01733.jpg
I understood what to do, how to neatly place the object lines on the right place of the texture. Except by mistake I've had done something wrong on two different channels. It was a trial and error process but I enjoyed it. I will attempt to texture objects I  will make on week three.
At the end of the week I explored what makes a good character design. My first presentation will be done on week three. I will have to in a short period of time break down my favorite character to explain why is a good strong design.

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