Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Week 8 Bradgate Park and the continuation of the Village project

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This week has been one of those rare ones, where the tutors took the whole group out to draw and gather photographic reference. The place where we went was called Bradgate Park. A very beautiful and huge park with several old ruins, but the ruins were not what we came for. It was the nature and trees, a primary source of research for the upcoming Tree Project. It was the most perfect day to visit the park as the weather changed throughout the day. The colours went from grayish tones to very saturated colours infused with sunlight. The environment had looked just like a post card from Scotland and there was also an array of wild animals and fearless deer.
I chose one of the paint overs as my final concept reference and did a quick concept painting of the house sides. This allowed me to move onto modelling the house, as I was running short on time. My group and I have decided to keep the same colour scheme for our buildings same as the buildings in the example village created by the tutors.

Bradgate park had a very big variety of trees. Most of them were foreign, a lot of the seeds came from overseas. I think this tree had quite an interesting silhouette, the curvy branches seemed like they were weighted down by the miniature leafs. This image also has very saturated colours at the back. It was taken at the end of the journey in Bradgate.
It was nice to break away from the house project and do something a little different other than the usual weekly routine.

The house project continued and I have finished the concept for my house and had moved onto modelling.

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I chose one of the paint overs as my final concept reference and did a quick concept painting of the house sides. This allowed me to move onto modelling the house, as I was running short on time. My group and I have decided to keep the same colour scheme for our buildings same as the buildings in the example village created by the tutors

 photo Side2_zpsb4ad0e7a.jpg   photo almostfinished_zpsef97f0f0.jpg
At the end of the week I had my model close to conclusion. I did learn  a new way of texturing. I had to make my Photoshop textures tillable, so even if I needed to stretch any of the unwraps out of the boundaries of the UV map it would still have the same quality. This method saved a lot of time and I did enjoy making stylised textures for this particular house. 
I will learn to import the house on week 8 and show the results of how the house looks in the game engine.
There were no critical studies this week and instead we were allowed to work onto finishing this project.  

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