Thursday, 8 January 2015

Week 10 The tree project

Week 10 was the start of the Stylised Tree project. It was an easier project compared to the previous house project, but it came with it's own challenges and new techniques to learn. But before I tested out the new ways of making the 3D models I did my primary research by gathering first hand research of images from parks. It came as a benefit that the trees were leafless this time of the year, as it was easier to learn how organic objects tend to grow. The other steps I took were gathering interesting images from the internet and then making of mood boards.

Chosen ideas for the 3D models

I drew silhouettes of trees and then copied the silhouettes around and changed the appearances to create as many different trees as I could. Then my work development continued with making the decisions of which silhouettes seemed most interesting to me, the ones I chose to develop further I started rending out some dark grey values to have an idea what the silhouette would look like in a more 3D form. Painting in values into the silhouettes is probably one of my favourite part in the development. It is most exciting to see a flat shape gain more of a 3 dimensional look. After the silhouettes were done I have gathered some opinions from my classmates and friends to know which tree drawings seemed most interesting to them. I had also to keep in mind that I had to follow the same style guide and avoid making my tree too skinny. So after the big decision making I chose two trees that I thought were most interesting and what suited the given style and painted the trees from angles I will need to use when making my tree in the 3Ds Max.
Those angles were later copied multiple times to do some colour tests for the trees.
I tried to choose harmonious colours for the trees and at the end I chose which colours to use for the textures.
The week was not all about creating concepts of trees, we did some shadow and light drawings in Visual Studies. We used charcoal and white chalk to investigate how lighting reflected on a human body. The challenge was to only sketch out the brightest and the darkest tones of the body and mid tone paper did the rest of the work. I think I could have done better, as I am still trying to improve on balancing how many shades of light and dark I can use when creating drawings.

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