Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Week 24 Unwrapping the Toyota

Ambient Occlusion applied to the unwrap.
The project continued and I've concluded the modelling process of the truck. I've lost some valuable time last week so I had to make up for it by working extra hours.
The modelling process took a little longer than expected, as I found it a little difficult to model the back of the truck and cover the bottom. Although the model was finished, I did not apply the symmetry modifier yet, because I needed to unwrap the objects first.

The unwrapping process wasn't too difficult, because I followed the example Toyota texture sheet provided by the tutors. The reason I chose to follow the texture sheet  was because it allowed me to learn how to pack the UVW's tightly on the texture sheet.

The project allows us to use two texture sheets - one for the body, windows and the second for the interior, chassis and wheels.
The interior was a stretch goal so I chose to use tinted windows, because I think the modified version of the car will have window protection and the interior won't be visible. That's why after consulting with one of the tutors I've decided to use a smaller second texture sheet for the chassis and wheels.
Now all I have left is to texture the model using photographs next week.

Longer head and face drawings.
In life drawing it was finally time to focus on drawing the head. We started with 10 one minute sketches of different sides of the head. We only had to focus on the shape of the head drawing the quit sketches. When we moved onto longer drawings, I had the time to focus on the facial features. I chose to draw light planes on the face and also covered the shaded areas in planes to make the face look more sculpted. The faces were quite difficult to draw, and I do have to improve on making them look more like the person I am drawing.

Critical studies introduced the requirements for a larger piece of writing that will be needed to be done before the end of the term. The essay will be about the first year on this course and an action plan on how I will move forward.
The tutors were kind enough to give us a very good plan for essay writing, which I am planning to follow.

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