Thursday, 23 April 2015

Week 30 Final week final hand-in

My first year on the Game Art course approached it's and this week has been one of the busiest weeks this year. There was so much to finish, so much to do. Time was growing short and I had to quickly get on with continuing the zombified version of my Toyota truck. 
Modelling the truck wasn't as difficult I thought it would be, so it did not take me very long. Although while modelling the zombified part I did make slight changes to the final design I came up with. The problem was with the smoke launchers as I had them placed at the front of the car in the final idea concept. Modelling I realised that I had too many objects squished into one place and they were overlapping on each other. I would call this an error of not modelling concepting at the same time. If I had modelled my rough idea onto the truck I could have prevented making any changes before deciding my final approach to the zombie version car. 
Overall I am happy and unhappy with my final outcome. I think that the headlights, metal armour and the metal plate at the front of the car look very well. I also like the turn out of my texture. 
I also think that the smoke launchers on the car look out of place, because of the yellow colour. The reason why I chose to make them yellow was because I wanted to stick to the real life reference where smoke launchers are usually attached to dessert coloured tanks. I also think that if I had to do this project again I would develop the idea more and have more colour variations to use as reference before moving onto texturing. I would also change the colour of the metal bars I have applied on the windscreen in front of the car. Perhaps another thing I would change would be the colour of the base Toyota, to a lighter probably grey or white colour to make the metal parts pop out and be more visible. 
My action plan from this project would be to prioritise doing 3D modelling and concepting hand in hand to avoid future unforeseen errors and save valuable time. I will also again try my best to improve on concepts, make them cleaner more appealing to the eye. Add more life and colour to my art, explore more colour iterations and also values. Last but not least once again develop my ability to manage my time to do better in future projects. This year has taught me a lot and I value the experience I have gained. Now it will be up to me to develop my skills over the summer doing personal projects and attempting to redo the set projects this year.

To end my first year, I'd like to mention the lovely last lesson of life drawing. It was probably my favourite, although we did not draw any models. This time we focused on only drapery and how naturally it fell from it's weight. The focus here was the lighting and shadows. And the idea was to use as few lines as possible, rather put all the attention to rendering out values and tones. I was quite satisfied with this drawing as it showed how much I have progressed since day one of the course. I also am pleased with the way I was able to keep a strong contrast between light and darkness. One thing I'd like to add is that I still need to work on my mark making and also my range of values as I tend to only stick to very few.

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