Thursday, 5 February 2015

Week 18 The Village Character

 This week went very quick as the character project started. In life drawing the session took a turn and I had to draw my classmates. Of course it wasn't just drawing plain old standing poses, instead I had to focus on drawing only the clothes. The main focus was to draw the folds and creases, similar to last weeks session when rather than drawing the model I only had to draw the drapery. It was quite fun, because the poses were very quick and the models changed every few minutes. I used different materials and I think the colour variety is more pleasing to the eye.

It was the first official week of the character project and  had our initial idea review that week and the work uploaded here was edited according to the feedback received from the tutors.
The first step towards the design was to gather  good visual information for the mood board. It was also important to separate each section in the mood board. I later used the same images in the mood board to do some photo bashing to create some quick ideas for my character.
I tried to move towards a character that would look something like milkmaid. I used some traditional ideas and some non-traditional ideas in my bashes. Later on I circled the characters I thought worked most with the theme of the milkmaid.

 After selecting the first ideas, I went onto testing out the silhouettes. It was important that I kept the silhouette with chunky details, so I kept adding more curves or bigger details on the clothes. Lastly I circled the ideas that I thought might work if I added to the final design of the milkmaid. 

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